By verifying the module is working properly. If I create a new contact page, captcha will activate correctly. Then I should understand how to enable it on the contact page you created in the template.
Can you go to your site template directory in "templates -> ps_acrostia -> html" here find and remove "mod_sp_quickcontact" directory and then check your site. If you still got any trouble then please send your site login details to us for checking it.
Joomla ReCaptcha enable
Joomla ReCaptcha enable
First of all, congratulations on the templates, they are very beautiful.
I would have a question to ask.
I would like to enable Recaptcha in the form of contacts in the Ps_acrostia template.
I did configure joomla modules, but in the form you do not see. Could you give me configuration info?
Below my configuration:
Joomla 3.7.4
Thanks again.
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