Overwriting css-files by saving template changes (Hikaite template)

Overwriting css-files by saving template changes (Hikaite template)

New Issue
PS Hikaite Liddischmidt
  • (1 Ratings)
I´m using the template Hikaite and I have the following problem.
If I change something in a css-file it works immidiately in the frontend. But only as long as I change something in the template and save it. Than all changes in every css-file is like the old version. How can I fix this problem?
Thank you for your help

1 Responses


5 years ago #209
Hi Liddischmidt,

Normally template.css file compiled file of theme.less file so whenever the site refreshed the template.css file regenerating again and again. 

If you don't want to use this feature then you can go to your site administrator then click on Extensions->Templates->Styles->click the link ps_hikaite - Default->then click Advanced tab->find and set Compile LESS to CSS options to No->then Save it. 

Once done this steps then you can edit template.css file or you can use Custom CSS options feature in Custom Code tab of ps_hikaite template edit style page.

Best Regards
AppClave Team

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