How to add new module position to joomla 3.5 template
In this tutorial we will show you how to add a module position and how to style it. This article was create for those who just starting with joomla and trying to customize a Joomla template for their needs.
You have downloaded a nice looking joomla template collections and you have installed to your joomla hosting system or server. If you guys still missing something, you want to add extra modules like slideshow, search, widget, etc., then this tutorial will helpful to you.
You will need to login to your Joomla administration and go to the 'Extensions -> Templates'
Now click the 'Styles' tab from left side and click on 'Protostar' template like below screenshot.
Now we need to edit 'templateDetails.xml' file. This file is located in joomla_root/templates/yourtemplatefolder/templateDetails.xml folder, if you are browsing with FTP, but it can be edited just like the index.php file from the Joomla backend.
Locate the code … and declare your new module position
You can find it from the following folder 'joomla_root/templates/yourtemplatefolder/index.php' if you are browsing the files via FTP or FileZilla or you can edit this file directly from Joomla backend.
Extensions > Templates > Templates > Yourtemplate Details and Files
Now click on the index.php file from leftside using in-built Joomla php editor, just like in the below image
If you want display 'search' Joomla module in front end of Joomla site then we should add below code to our 'index.php' file.
Now we are going to create new module, for example we create 'Search' module in position 'search'. First go to 'Extensions -> Modules'
Then find 'New' button from top left side and click on it.
Now select which module type you want, for example here we taken 'Search'.
After that enter title and choose position of this module 'search' and save it.
Save the file, go to the Joomla frontend and preview the module positions just like in this tutorial. If the module positions appears, you did everything right.
We hope this tutorial will helpful to you. If you have any questions, I’m more than happy to answer them in the comments.
Video Tutorial - Adding a new module position to Joomla Template
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How to add new module position to joomla 3.5 template
In this tutorial we will show you how to add a module position and how to style it. This article was create for those who just starting with joomla and trying to customize a Joomla template for their needs.
You have downloaded a nice looking joomla template collections and you have installed to your joomla hosting system or server. If you guys still missing something, you want to add extra modules like slideshow, search, widget, etc., then this tutorial will helpful to you.
You will need to login to your Joomla administration and go to the 'Extensions -> Templates'
Now click the 'Styles' tab from left side and click on 'Protostar' template like below screenshot.
Now we need to edit 'templateDetails.xml' file. This file is located in joomla_root/templates/yourtemplatefolder/templateDetails.xml folder, if you are browsing with FTP, but it can be edited just like the index.php file from the Joomla backend.
Locate the code … and declare your new module position
You can find it from the following folder 'joomla_root/templates/yourtemplatefolder/index.php' if you are browsing the files via FTP or FileZilla or you can edit this file directly from Joomla backend.
Now click on the index.php file from leftside using in-built Joomla php editor, just like in the below image
If you want display 'search' Joomla module in front end of Joomla site then we should add below code to our 'index.php' file.
Now we are going to create new module, for example we create 'Search' module in position 'search'. First go to 'Extensions -> Modules'
Then find 'New' button from top left side and click on it.
Now select which module type you want, for example here we taken 'Search'.
After that enter title and choose position of this module 'search' and save it.
Save the file, go to the Joomla frontend and preview the module positions just like in this tutorial. If the module positions appears, you did everything right.
We hope this tutorial will helpful to you. If you have any questions, I’m more than happy to answer them in the comments.
Video Tutorial - Adding a new module position to Joomla Template
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