How to install WordPress Quickstart package on server
An installation of the WordPress Quickstart package is a really simple process. First of all, you’ll want to download the correct package that contains the required files. Please, head to our download section and select your preferred theme – you should see the following page with a few packages available to download:
In the above case, we have marked four theme packages:
Quickstart Pack - contains only the theme files and you should be used on existing WordPress pages
Child Theme - contains a complete WordPress installation with the demo content just like our demo
Plugins - contains all used plugins in our Wordpress theme
Documentation - contains detailed documentation about our Wordpress theme package
Step 1:
Click on the link for the Quickstart package and wait for the files to be downloaded. Then, unpack the downloaded ZIP package.
Now, you have a folder filled with all the files you need to install WordPress along with our theme and demo content. Upload all the files and folders inside the extracted quickstart folder to your preferred install location on your host’s server via FTP; this could be the server root, or to a subdirectory if WordPress is not intended to be the main frontpage of your site. If you are developing the site locally, then you can move the files directly to your localhost’s directory.
Once you’ve moved/uploaded all the files, you should open your browser and navigate to the same location on your website then follow like below screenshot
FTP fileupload screen
Step 2:
Move the directory content into your browsers and start installation. The initial Wordpress installation screen will notify you that the configuration file is unavailable. Click Create Configuration File button to create it.
Wordpress Configuration screen
Step 3:
This means that the wp-config.php file doesn’t exist and you should configure it – just click the button – the browser will navigate to the first step of the installation process:
Getting started with database screen
Step 4:
Input the Wordpress database connection details. With using localhost, you can type the username and password as bellow:
Configure database screen
Step 5:
WordPress will ask for the database name, user, password, host and the table prefix – you need to fill this information in and then you can submit the form.
If all the database access data is correct then you should see following screen:
Database completed screen
Step 6:
Run the installation and edit needed information as following:
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How to install WordPress Quickstart package on server
An installation of the WordPress Quickstart package is a really simple process. First of all, you’ll want to download the correct package that contains the required files. Please, head to our download section and select your preferred theme – you should see the following page with a few packages available to download:
In the above case, we have marked four theme packages:
Step 1:
Click on the link for the Quickstart package and wait for the files to be downloaded. Then, unpack the downloaded ZIP package.
Now, you have a folder filled with all the files you need to install WordPress along with our theme and demo content. Upload all the files and folders inside the extracted quickstart folder to your preferred install location on your host’s server via FTP; this could be the server root, or to a subdirectory if WordPress is not intended to be the main frontpage of your site. If you are developing the site locally, then you can move the files directly to your localhost’s directory.
Once you’ve moved/uploaded all the files, you should open your browser and navigate to the same location on your website then follow like below screenshot
Step 2:
Move the directory content into your browsers and start installation. The initial Wordpress installation screen will notify you that the configuration file is unavailable. Click Create Configuration File button to create it.
Step 3:
This means that the wp-config.php file doesn’t exist and you should configure it – just click the button – the browser will navigate to the first step of the installation process:
Step 4:
Input the Wordpress database connection details. With using localhost, you can type the username and password as bellow:
Step 5:
WordPress will ask for the database name, user, password, host and the table prefix – you need to fill this information in and then you can submit the form.
If all the database access data is correct then you should see following screen:
Step 6:
Run the installation and edit needed information as following:
Step 7:
Complete installation
Step 8:
Log in your account and discover the new theme
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