Joomla 3 URL Redirect Feature Tutorial

Joomla 3 URL Redirect Feature Tutorial

URL redirect is a built-in great feature on Joomla. Using this redirect component feature, you can redirect any old on-site source URL to another url(external URL) address in Joomla. This feature will helpful for getting visitors who are trying to reach your site with a missing or out-off URL(404 Error page).

May be the site url some time force error page because of changing the menu permalink structure on site. So now the URL redirect feature solves this issue.

Let's we will see how to redirect the expired address(old source url) to the current(new destination url) one.

Go to 'Redirect' Component page

At first we need to login to the Joomla administration panel. Then click on 'Redirect' Joomla Components.

First go to Joomla Redirect Component Page

Check if 'Redirect' Plugin enabled

Now you are in 'Redirect' Component page and see if any error message like 'The Redirect Plugin is disabled. Enable it in the Plugin Manager.'

Check Joomla Redirect Plugin enabled or not

Go to Joomla Plugin page

Now click on 'Enable it in the Plugin Manager' or go to 'Extensions -> Plugins' and find 'System - Redirect' plugin

Go to Joomla Plugin page and find Redirect plugin

Enable Joomla Redirect Plugin

Now click on 'Status' icon to enable Joomla 'System - Redirect' plugin.

Enable Joomla System - Redirect Plugin

Click on 'New' button for creating new 'Redirect'

Now go to 'Components > Redirect' and click on 'New' button to create new Joomla redirect.

Click on Joomla New button

Add 'Source' and 'Destination' url in Joomla

This is a final step for making Joomla redirect. Here, you need to add your old page url in 'Source URL' field and then add new page url in 'Destination URL' field. Finally click on 'Save' or 'Save & Close' button to save it.

Add Source URL and Destination URL for redirecting pages

This post is based on Joomla 3.5.1. I hope you will find Joomla Redirect feature helpful. Please let us know your experience with this handy utility. Thanks for reading!!.