If you are new Joomla or you are website developer. You are having a plan to create a website. In addition, if you want your website to display all contents with Multilingual in Joomla then it'll easy!. Today, we are wrote post which is enough for you to know the way to have Joomla Multilingual Website easily!!.

Most of WordPress plugins get updated on some regular periods so whenever you log in to your WordPress admin panel, you will get updates notification of plugins, themes or WordPress core files.

If your website isn't a community or otherwise needs to allow user registration, you should disallow user registration for security reasons. Here we can see how to do it,

In order to enable MBString Support in your WHM/CPanel VPS you need to complete the following steps.

AppClave welcomes 2018 with a bang! Announcing the AppClave Member Center Halloween Sale Promo code. Get 30% off for a AppClave Member Center for all our subscription by using the coupon code HALLOWEEN2018.

AppClave welcomes 2019 with a bang! Announcing the AppClave Member Center Halloween Sale Promo code. Get 30% off for a AppClave Member Center for all our subscription by using the coupon code HALLOWEEN2019

In this article describes how to change or modify the base url of the Joomla website by manually in details.

In this tutorial we are going to see how do we use or add override CSS styles in Helix 3 and Helix 2 Joomla template framework. Helix 3 Framework template provided by JoomShaper where there is an one of options tab called 'Custom Code' with 'Custom CSS' field so using it you can esily add Custon CSS style but in Helix 2 Joomla framework we might to add custom css code manually.

Now adding or removing "www" is possible when we are using .htaccess file. So if you would like to keep www(www.example.com) or remove www(example.com) from our live url then we should create .htaccess file and add below lines into .htaccess file.

The Google Map block allows you to embed a Google Maps in your Joomla website page. Google Maps created on or after June 22, 2016 will require a free API key. As of June 22, 2016 free Google Maps are limited to 25,000 map loads per day. Map loads over 25,000 will require billing enabled or Premium Plans on Google.