After installation of some  modules you might have experienced an error that occurs when PHP on their server is set to strict error reporting - where they receive error messages starting with phrases: “Strict Standards: Non-static methodon line XX”. Essentially, Strict Standards warnings are not really errors; they're messages designed for developers, but I fully agree they do not like nice on working Joomla site.

In this tutorial let see how to install a new Joomla2.5 quickstart template package in details way.

In this tutorial let see how to install a new Joomla 3.3 quickstart template package in details.

In this tutorial you can learn how to install WordPress on your web hosting account. Kindly follow below guidelines if you want to perform a new, manual installation of the latest WordPress version.

An installation of the WordPress Quickstart package is a really simple process. First of all, you’ll want to download the correct package that contains the required files. Please, head to our download section and select your preferred theme – you should see the following page with a few packages available to download:

Google ReCaptcha is a world popular captcha plugin. It is used on all across the web, and is not just limited for use in Joomla 3.8. It is helpful to implement spam protection on your Joomla websites. First we have to get public and private keys from google recaptcha site and generate it. This is a free service, but you will need a Google account to create captcha keys for your main domain.

In this article you will learn how to access the administration login form for your Joomla 3 site. Once you have installed Joomla 3.x site, your next step is to log into the Joomla 3.0 admin dashboard. The administrator dashboard is where you will manage your Joomla 3 website.

If you want to delete all comments from your WordPress site? Then follow this article tutorial, we will show you how to easily bulk delete all WordPress comments.

The PHP web service allows you to directly program your back-end PHP scripts to deliver dynamic geo-localized pages using the PHP array provided by GeoPlugin.

In this tutorial we shows how to remove index.php from URLs in Joomla 3.

If would like to remove index.php from URLs in Joomla 3 then you should enable Use URL rewriting in Joomla 3.x. and rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess.