Shopite is a dedicated WooCommerce shopfront theme for who ever wants to add some sweetness and a bold memorable experience to their shopping sites. We care about not only shop and product pages, but also the pages like My Account, Checkout and Cart. You’ll realize that all of those pages are crafted beautifully in order to give the look & feel better.
Pinnaite is Pinterest inspired WordPress theme that comes with full of style and customisation options. Pinnaite is a masonry based home page, multi-purpose theme. With its clean design it is great for projects that emphasizes a stylistic and modern look. Design Theme is made in a beautiful FLAT style. It is suitable for Blog Post List, Personal Portfolio, Creative Agency, Designer Portfolio, Illustrator Portfolio, Photographer Portfolio and more. Pinnaite has been built and designed with simplicity in mind.
Originite wordpress template is a high-quality portfolio theme designed for agencies, studios or freelancers. The template allows you to publish your work online with ease and to look amazing doing it. Packed with complete solutions for contact, portfolio, blog or single post pages, Originite wordpress theme is a number one choice if you are a portfolio, agency gallery or a freelancer.